
  • Btn_print
Guidelines for Abstract-Submission

Submission, Deadline

  • Abstracts have to be submitted exclusively online.
  • Deadline for application is 15 February 2024 23:59:59 CET.
  • Posters are equally submitted as abstracts related to the respective topics.
  • Alterations and corrections may be executed previous to the deadline.

Topic, Language

  • Each contribution must relate to one of the given topics.
  • Abstracts may be submitted and presented in German or English.

Size, Content

  • The abstract is limited to 3,000 characters (approx. 400 words), incl. spaces, up to 2 tables (equivalent of 50 characters each) and 1 image (equivalent of 200 characters).
  • The title should be short and significant. The text must be orthographically suitable for publishing.
  • The following structure of the abstract is mandatory: Objectives, methods, results and conclusions.
  • Concerning the methods it has to be clear if the study is prospective or retrospective. Statistical procedures have to be specified.
  • The setup of experimental studies has to be documented.
  • The abstract has to contain all relevant data and figures. Abbreviations must be defined at first usage.
  • The usage of special formatting should be limited. The correct replication in all media cannot be guaranteed.
  • It is not allowed to submit an abstract several times to different topics of the congress.
  • The number of papers submitted by the same author is limited to 10.
  • The number of authors per abstract is limited to 10. The presenter must be listed first.

Conditions, Requirements

  • The presenter is responsible for the compliance with data protection, copyrights, ethic regulations and laws on animal protection.
  • To assure the anonymous review it is not allowed to mention any names or locations in the paper.
  • Accepted papers will be published on USB flash drive or PDF-Abstract-Book according to the principles of Open Access.
  • Authors’ fees or royalties cannot be claimed.
  • All listed authors have to consent to the abstract text as well as to their publication in all congress media.
  • Conflicts of interest through commercial benefits have to be disclosed.

Review, Registration

  • All submitted abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by several experts.
  • Evaluation criteria are: Aim and objective, material and methodology, results and conclusions.
  • Abstracts that show formal errors (multi-submission, not anonymised) will be rejected.
  • E-Mail notifications about acceptance or refusal will be sent to the presenting author subsequent to the reviewing process.


  • Research Award: The AGA Research Committee gives the AGA-Research Award. The best abstracts accepted for presentation during the Congress will be awarded with: 1st Prize: 1,500 €, 2nd Prize: 1,000 € and 3rd Prize: 500 €.
  • Alwin Jäger Award: Abstract submitted in the categories knee/clinical or shoulder/clinical compete for the Alwin Jäger Award. The Award with 2,500 € will be given for clinical arthroscopic innovations in Knee and Shoulder surgery, sponsored by Arthrex GmbH.
  • Poster Awards: Submitted and for Poster Presentation accepted papers will compete for the Poster Awards, sponsored by SPORLASTIC GmbH. Categories are: 1st in „Clinical Studies“ 1,000 €, 2nd in „Clinical Studies“ 500 €; 1st in “Biomechanics/Basic Science” 1,000 €, 2nd in “Biomechanics/Basic Science” 500 €.